Uptown Newport EIR
The Uptown Newport project introduced a high-density residential, mixed use project in the airport business area of the city—Phase 1 broke ground in 2017 and Phase 2 is expected to begin in 2022.

City of Newport Beach
Newport Beach, California
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Air Quality & GHG
- Risk Assessments
The plan presented unique land use compatibility issues—the project site itself accommodates a semiconductor manufacturing facility (TowerJazz). Phase 1 residences could be within 50 feet of the facility for up to nine years, and city regulations prohibit residences next to extremely hazardous chemicals and industrial noise up to 74 dBA CNEL. Also, until demolition of the TowerJazz facility in phase 2, construction vibration could impact sensitive manufacturing equipment, and remediation of groundwater and soil hazards could not be completed.
PlaceWorks conducted comprehensive analyses of environmental conditions and impacts as well as the technical studies for air quality, greenhouses gases, health risk, off-site consequence analysis (hazardous chemical release), and noise. These analyses were incorporated into the EIR for each of the project phases. The EIR also incorporated analyses from team members for traffic, geotechnical, civil engineering (hydrology, water quality, sewer, and water), and visual impacts. Project entitlements included approval of a planned community development plan amendment, development agreement, affordable housing implementation plan, phasing plan, design guidelines, and tentative map.