UC Berkeley LRDP & Housing Projects #1 and #2 EIR
As part of the UC Berkeley Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) and Housing Projects #1 and #2 EIR, PlaceWorks prepared a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and completed a criteria air pollutant and GHG emissions inventory and forecast for the project.

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California
- Community Participation
- Climate Action & Resiliency
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Air Quality & GHG
- Noise & Vibration
- Risk Assessments
- School Facilities Planning
- Wind & Shade Modeling & Analysis
PlaceWorks prepared an operational HRA for the LRDP Update and construction HRAs for Housing Projects #1 and #2. For the LRDP Update HRA, health risk impacts from LRDP-generated toxic air contaminant emissions were determined to nearby residents, workers, schools, and daycares from campus laboratories, 65 diesel-fueled emergency generators, the cogeneration plant and boilers, and the Hazardous Materials Facility. We conducted air dispersion modeling and risk calculations using AERMOD and the Air Resources Board’s Hot Spots Analysis and Report Program. The health risks to nearby sensitive receptors were determined for the existing UC Berkeley emission sources, all emission sources at LRDP buildout, and a cumulative risk analysis including major emission sources outside the study area.
For the criteria air pollutant and GHG emissions inventory, we worked with the UC Office of Sustainability for existing and historic GHG emissions and activity data for all sectors included in the annual inventory submitted to the Climate Registry. Transportation emissions were based on VMT and included student, faculty/staff, and vendor trips, as well as trips for campus events. The GHG thresholds aligned with the University Carbon Neutrality Initiative and UC Sustainable Practices Policy to reduce or offset Scope 1& 2 emissions by year 2025 and the UC Berkeley Sustainability Plan goal of achieving carbon neutrality for expanded Scope 3 sources (commute, air travel, water- and waste-related emissions) by 2050. For the forecast year, we documented the UC Berkeley carbon neutrality policies and goals and gave strategies to reduce emissions.