Tuolumne County Zoning Code Update
PlaceWorks is assisting the County of Tuolumne with a comprehensive update of its zoning code, including its accessory dwelling unit ordinance, which follows the recent adoption of the Tuolumne County General Plan.

County of Tuolumne
Tuolumne County, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Housing
The Tuolumne County Zoning Code Update focuses on changes needed to implement the land use policies from the General Plan, such as focusing growth and development into established communities, streamlining housing development, and promoting economic development in the county. The update also responds to new state laws regarding housing production, accessory dwelling units, and other residential requirements.
PlaceWorks will modernize the code and make it more user-friendly. At the same time, we are establishing a more logical and streamlined development review process—including shifting standard conditions of approval and design guidelines into development standards where appropriate. We are working closely with the Board of Supervisors Planning Committee—a standing advisory group of supervisors, planning commissioners, and members of the public—to ensure the process aligns with county and board priorities.