Temple City Zoning Code Update
The update of the Temple City Zoning Code was part of the 2050 Mid-Century Plan—the first all-inclusive update of the city’s general plan in over 25 years.

City of Temple City
Temple City, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Economics
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- 2018 Comprehensive Planning Award of Merit: Small Jurisdiction, California Chapter APA
- 2018 Comprehensive Planning Award: Small Jurisdiction, California APA, Los Angeles
PlaceWorks updated all policies supplemental to the general plan, including the Las Tunas/Rosemead Specific Plan, and prepared a program environmental impact report. The zoning code update revised the residential, commercial, and industrial zones to be consistent with the general plan update and easier to understand. PlaceWorks also reorganized the provisions of the residential and nonresidential zones for more effective implementation. Two new mixed-use zones were developed in accordance with the general plan to allow for low-intensity mixed use and medium-intensity mixed use throughout the city.
The zoning code update also completely overhauled the building design and architectural standards for residential and nonresidential zones, including the standards for building facades, roof design and materials, windows, and utilities and mechanical equipment. The standards were streamlined and organized to help zoning staff and the public review them more easily.