Sycamore Valley Academy Hazard Assessment
PlaceWorks assisted the Visalia Unified School District with a pipeline and water tank hazard assessment for the Sycamore Valley Academy in Visalia.

Visalia Unified School District
Visalia, California
- Risk Assessments
- School Facilities Planning
PlaceWorks determined the risks to staff and students at the existing Sycamore Valley Academy in Visalia from a high-pressure natural gas transmission pipeline, a 60-inch recycled water pipeline, and a 63,000-gallon water storage tank. Results of the California Department of Education (CDE) pipeline protocol indicated that the individual risk from the natural gas pipeline was below the CDE significance threshold; therefore, the pipeline would not pose a significant risk to students and staff. The results of the flooding analysis for the recycled water line and water tank showed that a release from the pipeline or tank would not result in a safety hazard to students and staff at the school site.