Strive San Mateo General Plan 2040
PlaceWorks is leading a multi-disciplinary team to update the City of San Mateo's General Plan and prepare the associated EIR.

City of San Mateo
San Mateo, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Web Design
- Online Outreach & Engagement
- Facilitation & Community Events
- Graphic Design
- CEQA Compliance
The San Mateo General Plan Update process includes establishing the community’s vision and values for the future; creating and evaluating a range of land use and circulation alternatives; updating the goals and policies; preparing an EIR for the Housing Element Update on a separate timeline from the General Plan; and creating a user-friendly General Plan and associated EIR.
Link to Strive San Mateo General Plan 2040 Website
Link to San Mateo General Plan Survey
The City is committed to a robust and equitable outreach process, and PlaceWorks is working closely with the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center to reach Spanish-speaking and low-income residents. The General Plan team is collecting input through face-to-face and virtual community meetings, pop-ups, intercepts, self-guided open houses, presentations to community and neighborhood groups, a customized project website, online surveys, and online engagement tools. PlaceWorks is also the lead facilitator at all community workshops and General Plan Subcommittee meetings.