SR 152 and Pioneer Road Complete Streets
PlaceWorks conducted two Complete Streets plans for the City of Los Banos simultaneously.

City of Los Banos
Los Banos, California
- Community Participation
- Active Transportation Planning
- Urban Design
- Corridor Planning
- Streetscape Design
State Route 152, also known as Pacheco Boulevard, is a state highway that runs through the heart of the City. Over time the street has seen more and more traffic, much of it travelling through the City between Highway 99 and Highway 5. The Complete Streets Plan effort identified ways to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle users more safely and improve the usability and attractiveness of the corridor. It included recommendations for improved safety, open space, and aesthetic improvements, as well as new gateway elements leading to Downtown Los Banos.
In parallel to the SR 152 project, PlaceWorks developed a concept plan for widening Pioneer Road to serve as an improved arterial one half mile south of Pacheco Boulevard. An improved Pioneer Road will take some of the traffic pressure off busy Pacheco Boulevard to allow the multi-modal improvements outlined in the Pacheco Boulevard Complete Streets Plan to be realized. The outcome was a recommendation for the alignment and street design of Pioneer Road, which is now undergoing engineering design and environmental review.
Both of these projects had a robust stakeholder engagement and public outreach process run by PlaceWorks, with multiple community workshops during the planning process.