SB 2 & LEAP/REAP Technical Assistance
On behalf of HCD, PlaceWorks has provided technical assistance to help launch and implement the Senate Bill (SB) 2 Planning Grants Program and the Local and Regional Accelerating Housing Production (LEAP/REAP) Program.

State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development
- GIS Mapping & Analysis
- Housing
- Comprehensive Planning
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Economics
- Technical Assistance
As part of our ongoing technical assistance work for HCD, PlaceWorks’ GIS team was tasked with developing a statewide GIS-based mapping and data resources webpage and mapping tool to help jurisdictions across California meet the AB 686/Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requirements for housing elements.
Cities and Counties are actively using data and mapping made available through this interactive resource to fulfill a state obligation to proactively combat discrimination and increase access to safe and affordable homes, especially those who face barriers because of their race, sex, income, and other characteristics.
These data and mapping resources were thoroughly vetted by various housing advocacy groups, HCD partner agencies, and academic housing experts across the state and nationally.