SB 2 & LEAP/REAP Technical Assistance
On behalf of HCD, PlaceWorks has provided technical assistance to help launch and implement the Senate Bill (SB) 2 Planning Grants Program and the Local and Regional Accelerating Housing Production (LEAP/REAP) Program.

State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development
- Housing
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Economics
- GIS Mapping & Analysis
- Graphic Design
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
For SB 2, PlaceWorks helped HCD staff and jurisdictions identify planning tools and projects to leverage the program’s $125 million allocation to increase housing production. Sample projects included targeted general plan updates, community plans and specific plans, by-right zoning, objective design standards, accessory dwelling unit (ADU) plans, streamlined environmental analyses, and process updates to improve and expedite local permitting. The LEAP/REAP program built on these efforts to establish a new statewide “pro-housing designation,” create toolkits to help implement State housing legislation, and develop a statewide database showing various indicators related to equity and affirmatively furthering fair housing.
For both projects, PlaceWorks conducted outreach throughout the state and provided direct assistance to all 540+ Cities and Counties through 11 regional liaisons. PlaceWorks also developed an online GIS portal of planning grant information to enhance HCD’s internal review processes and push out information to jurisdictions.
These two efforts represented the first statewide grant programs for which every city, county, and region in the state was eligible for an over-the-counter funding award. The PlaceWorks team achieved an extremely high level of participation commensurate with its outreach and technical assistance efforts. Overall, the programs have achieved over a 90 percent participation rate, with 93 percent of available funds requested or awarded.