Harbor Mixed-Use Transit Corridor Specific Plan & EIR
PlaceWorks helped the City of Santa Ana to evaluate zoning designations along transit corridors, expand land use options, and establish an urban fabric that takes advantage of transportation improvements.

SCAG and the City of Santa Ana
Santa Ana, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Economics
- Transit Planning & Design
- Corridor Planning
- Graphic Design
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- 2015 Comprehensive Planning Award: Large Jurisdiction, California Chapter APA
- 2015 Comprehensive Planning Award: Large Jurisdiction, California APA, Orange Section
Harbor Boulevard is an ideal candidate for reinvestment and new development opportunities with its vacant and underutilized land, bus rapid transit investments, future fixed guideway facilities, and desirable freeway and regional access. PlaceWorks developed the Harbor Corridor Plan and laid the foundation for a more livable corridor through form-based zoning that allows new housing and mixed-use development opportunities and the safe integration of cars, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians along a six-lane roadway. Also, the plan’s design guidelines create a stronger identity for the residents and businesses.
PlaceWorks conducted an extensive, three-year outreach program with over 20 public meetings, including an idea fair and bus tour, neighborhood meetings, focus groups with property/business owners and developers, a joint workshop with the circulation element update, and three study sessions with the planning commission. We also prepared environmental review under CEQA. After adoption, the plan immediately drew interest from multiple developers for new residential and mixed-use projects.