San Luis Rey Elementary EMF Study
PlaceWorks conducted an EMF survey and Field Management Plan for OUSD for a school modernization at the existing San Luis Rey Elementary School due to the presence of two nearby 230-kilovolt electrical transmission lines.

Oceanside Unified School District (OUSD)
Oceanside, California
- Risk Assessments
- School Facilities Planning
Results of the electromagnetic field (EMF) survey at San Luis Rey Elementary School indicated elevated EMF values within 150 feet of the powerlines compared to background levels, and a recommendation was made to locate new classrooms and play areas outside the 150-foot setback zone. However, the project would not exacerbate existing conditions as there are currently existing classrooms and play areas within the setback zone. A Field Management Plan was provided that describes additional measures that could be implemented during facility modernization to reduce overall EMF levels within the school to ensure EMF exposures would not be exacerbated compared to existing conditions.