Placer County Housing Element
PlaceWorks provided planning, environmental review, and processing services to update the County’s 6th-Cycle Housing Element for 2021 to 2029.

County of Placer
Placer County, California
- Housing
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
The PlaceWorks team was selected by the County of Placer to update its housing element, which included an evaluation of existing housing programs; a housing needs analysis; identification of housing resources and opportunities; housing constraints analysis update; and housing goals, policies, programs, and quantified objectives updates. Our staff worked alongside county staff, stakeholders, decision-makers, citizens, and government agencies to prepare the housing element. The PlaceWorks team prepared a memo for the County that addressed environmental justice concerns for locally identified disadvantaged communities. We also prepared the environmental clearance under CEQA—an addendum to the 2013 Initial Study and Negative Declaration.