Palm Springs Housing Element
PlaceWorks updated the 2021-2029 Housing Element for the City of Palm Springs as part of the technical update of the whole General Plan.

City of Palm Springs
Palm Springs, California
- Housing
- Comprehensive Planning
- Environmental Justice
- Community Participation
Palm Springs is largely known as a desert resort community but it has a complex history shaped by 150 years of federal, State, and tribal policies. The city has more than 50 neighborhoods, and each has its own distinct needs. The city’s housing agenda is far-reaching and innovative—with goals, policies, and programs that address the housing and service needs of all its residents, regardless of status.
A key focus of this update was the legacy of urban renewal, which razed housing in the downtown during the 1960s and displaced the city’s communities of color—African American, Mexican, Filipino, Native American, and others. Addressing this legacy underpinned the whole update process and led to the formation of the Equity and Social Justice Committee.
The updated housing element programs significantly expand housing opportunities and affirmatively further fair housing. Programs include working with the Equity and Social Justice Committee to remedy the impacts of past discrimination; drafting place-based programs focusing on disadvantaged incorporated and unincorporated communities; expanding housing opportunities through hotel conversions, accessory dwellings, affordable housing, and small lot subdivisions; and providing service and housing programs to address the needs of seniors, people with disabilities, people who are homeless, and people with HIV/AIDS.