Ontario Ranch Business Park EIR
PlaceWorks prepared a series of technical analyses, including air quality, construction health risk, energy, and GHG emissions, for the Specific Plan EIR.

City of Ontario
Ontario, California
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Air Quality & GHG
- Noise & Vibration
- Risk Assessments
- Technical Studies Peer Review
The EIR for the Ontario Ranch Business Park Specific Plan assessed impacts for the development of an industrial and business park encompassing 11 parcels and 85.6 acres. Eight warehouse buildings range from 46,900 square feet to 618,353 square feet, for a maximum of 1,905,027 square feet of warehouse and office uses.
PlaceWorks quantified potential construction-related impacts for this multiphase project. Peak daily construction emissions were compared to regional and local significance thresholds and used to estimate construction-related health risk impacts for diesel emissions at the nearest sensitive receptors. PlaceWorks used CalEEMod to calculate operational air quality and GHG emissions from sources such as building energy use; water use; solid waste disposal; landscaping equipment; and transportation sources, including transport refrigeration units (TRU).
A health risk assessment analyzed diesel particulate matter from truck trips, TRUs, and off-road equipment that would be used in daily business operations. PlaceWorks quantified project energy use from building energy use, on-road vehicle fuel use, and off-road equipment for operation and construction. Odors and carbon monoxide hotspots were evaluated qualitatively, as was consistency with the local air quality management plan and GHG reduction plans.