Irwindale ATP & Design Guidelines
PlaceWorks completed the carefully tailored Irwindale Active Transportation Plan and Design Guidelines for this unique community with unconventional development patterns.

City of Irwindale
Irwindale, California
- Community Participation
- Active Transportation Planning
- Healthy Communities
- Urban Design
- Transit Planning & Design
- Open Space & Resource Planning
- Design Guidelines
Due to the area’s extensive industrial history, the bicycle and pedestrian network recommendations, policies, and facility design guidelines had to take into account Irwindale’s substantial barriers to connectivity, including active and inactive quarries (up to 200 acres), freeways, and a poorly connected roadway network. Ultimately, a “complete streets” approach was used for enhanced walking and bicycling amenities along key corridors. In addition, PlaceWorks developed a unique public outreach program focusing on the employment population, key stakeholders, and the small residential population.
The new Metro Gold Line light rail transit station in Irwindale provided a rich opportunity to develop safe and efficient “first/last mile” connections for people bicycling and walking. The ATP will guide the city in developing a cohesive pedestrian and bicycle network that supports transit use and active transportation by providing safe, comfortable, and convenient routes to nearby employment centers, recreational resources, and neighborhoods. Additionally, the ATP will integrate new multiuse paths through the city and provide connections to the regional bikeway network and Irwindale’s amenities, such as the San Gabriel River Trail.