Huntington Beach Noise Ordinance Update
PlaceWorks assisted the City of Huntington Beach with a major update to the noise ordinance part of its municipal code, a process that took two years.

City of Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach, California
- Noise & Vibration
The main goals of the update were threefold: 1) to make the standards consistent with a recent general plan update, 2) to make them easier to use and understand, and 3) to provide more clarity on certain noise sources and noise-sensitive uses.
PlaceWorks conducted noise monitoring at select locations around the city and weighed the community’s noise concerns before drafting revisions to the code noise standards and code text. After city review and comments, we finalized the code revisions and attended the city council hearing, where the noise ordinance update was approved by the council with a 7-0 vote.