Hollister General Plan Update
This comprehensive update of the general plan focuses on addressing growth and development issues and includes several new elements.

City of Hollister
Hollister, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Downtown Revitalization
- Environmental Justice
- Community Participation
Hollister and its adjacent unincorporated areas make up the majority of urbanized land in San Benito County, and Hollister decision makers support infill development, but significant residential growth is happening outside the city limits. Part of the general plan process is to improve coordination between Hollister and San Benito County when planning for future growth. The update also includes new policies and procedures to address downtown revitalization, agricultural preservation, vehicle miles traveled, and environmental justice. The new general plan elements address economic development as well as arts and culture. PlaceWorks is leading virtual and in-person community workshops and coordinating input from a general plan advisory committee, the planning commission, and city council.