Santa Ana General Plan Health & EJ Policies
As part of the general plan update, PlaceWorks helped Santa Ana develop concrete policies and steps to address community health and environmental justice throughout the city.

City of Santa Ana
Santa Ana, California
- Healthy Communities
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- Climate Action & Resiliency
- Housing
- Active Transportation Planning
- Economics
PlaceWorks used the data and methodology from CalEnviroScreen to evaluate multiple methodologies and draft the EJ background and analysis for the general plan update, including a mapping analysis showing the census tracts and neighborhoods identified as EJ communities. Outreach materials included multilingual fact sheets and videos that presented an overview of the topic, the law, past community efforts, and the city’s strategy to address environmental justice in Santa Ana.
To give Santa Ana’s EJ communities more opportunity to share their experiences and concerns regarding environmental health and quality of life, PlaceWorks helped organize a general plan outreach roundtable. Representatives and local stakeholders provided ideas and feedback on tools and strategies that could be used to effectively engage as many community members as possible. Another component of the EJ community outreach campaign was a multilingual survey that was publicized on various social media platforms, and hard copies were distributed by neighborhood leaders. Also, the city held 10 virtual community forums to listen to the lived experiences of residents, property owners, and community stakeholders in the areas of the city categorized as EJ communities. The EJ goals and policies derived from this outreach were incorporated throughout the general plan.