Etiwanda Health Risk and Hazard Assessment
PlaceWorks determined the health and safety risks from the Etiwanda School District’s new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquid Fuels Facility to off-site residents, students, and staff at nearby schools.

Etiwanda School District
Etiwanda, California
- Risk Assessments
- School Facilities Planning
The evaluation assessed potential exposure and risk to students and staff at the nearby Summit Intermediate School and Etiwanda Colony Elementary School as well as adjacent residences from school bus emissions and gasoline dispensing at the facility. Also, the potential for accidents to occur were evaluated involving the CNG equipment at the project site and the consequences to off-site receptors. Based on a comparison to South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD’s) health risk thresholds, air emissions generated by the project are not anticipated to pose an actual or potential endangerment to nearby residents and schools. Additionally, off-site receptors would not be adversely impacted from the postulated accident scenarios analyzed in this report regarding the CNG fueling station or the liquid fuels AST. In addition, stringent safety precautions will be implemented during the construction and operation of the CNG and liquid fueling facility, including safety devices and mechanisms that prevent explosions, accidents, and tank ruptures or breaches.