Envision Stockton 2040 General Plan & EIR
This comprehensive general plan update, EIR, and development code review focused on economic and environmental sustainability to meet the terms of a settlement agreement and to heal the damage left by the recession.

City of Stockton
Stockton, California
- Comprehensive Planning
- Community Participation
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Economics
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Air Quality & GHG
- Noise & Vibration
- 2019 Comprehensive Planning Award: Large Jurisdiction, California Chapter APA
- 2019 Comprehensive Planning Award: Large Jurisdiction, California APA, Sacramento Valley Section
Stockton is oriented around a unique inland port on the San Joaquin River. In the early 2000s, rising housing costs and job growth in the San Francisco Bay Area fueled intense housing development on the outskirts of Stockton, and it was hit hard by the economic recession that followed. The City’s 2007 General Plan and EIR were the subject of a lawsuit by the Sierra Club and State Attorney General, and the settlement agreement required more reduction of GHG emissions through a climate action plan—completed in 2014—and general plan amendments to promote infill development.
To help Stockton fulfill its obligations under the settlement agreement and to address the very different conditions and trends after the economic recession, PlaceWorks led a comprehensive update to the general plan in 2018. The update was well-timed to help Stockton develop a stronger, more sustainable economy and enhanced quality of life. The plan is built on customized corridor-specific components that would transform aging industrial infrastructure into vibrant mixed-use neighborhood arteries. Based on meaningful public input, the project team explored land use and circulation options to catalyze positive change and developed creative policies that promote infill development and economic sustainability. PlaceWorks also conducted a detailed review of the development code to ensure consistency with the general plan update.