East Bay Regional & Local GHG Inventory Tool
This comprehensive tool helps member jurisdictions of the East Bay Energy Watch—a local government partnership between PG&E and Alameda and Contra Costa County jurisdictions—to streamline the preparation of GHG inventories and related tasks.

East Bay Energy Watch
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California
- Climate Action & Resiliency
- Air Quality & GHG
This project was an effort between PlaceWorks and StopWaste—in its role as the administrator for the East Bay Energy Watch (EBEW) Strategic Advisory Council—to support jurisdictions throughout Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. It features community-wide GHG emission inventories for all participating jurisdictions. These were prepared in a central location to ensure that the same methods and data sources were used, and the result is that inventories are consistent for all participants.
The tool is highly automated and nonproprietary, so participating jurisdictions can more easily update their inventories in the future. Recognizing the importance of tools that do not need onerous commitments of time and resources, PlaceWorks streamlined the final tool as much as possible while maintaining accuracy and consistency with the appropriate guidance documents, including the Local Government Operations Protocol, the US Community Protocol for Accounting of Community-Wide GHG Emissions, and the Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emissions.