Devil’s Slide Coastal Trail
PlaceWorks provided landscape architecture and environmental consulting services to the County of San Mateo Parks Department for the Devil’s Slide Coastal Trail.

County of San Mateo Parks Department
San Mateo County, California
- Active Transportation Planning
- Urban Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Streetscape Design
- Open Space & Resource Planning
- Graphic Design
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Construction Administration
- 2015 Implementation Award: Large Jurisdiction Award of Merit, California Chapter APA
- 2015 Implementation Award: Large Jurisdiction, California APA, Northern Section
- 2015 Bikeways & Trails Project of the Year Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, Region 9
- 2014 Project of the Year in the Environment/Parks: Under $2 Million: American Public Works Association, Silicon Valley Chapter
- 2014 Outstanding Bikeways/Trail of the Year, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco Section
- 2014 Excellence in Motion Merit Award, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Located along a portion of State Highway 1 that was abandoned after the Tom Lantos tunnels were completed, this multi-use trail provides access for thousands of visitors to walk, bike, or ride horses along the former highway and enjoy dramatic ocean views.
PlaceWorks worked with BKF Engineers to develop custom aesthetic solutions for barrier fencing, seating areas, and overlooks. PlaceWorks conducted a peer review of the prior environmental documentation and new site surveys. We also prepared an updated environmental report describing existing conditions and current management practices to ensure construction and operation of the trail adequately protected sensitive habitats and buffer zones in compliance with CEQA, the Coastal Development Permit, and other applicable state and federal environmental regulations.