Dana Point Economic & Market Profile
PlaceWorks prepared a comprehensive economic and market analysis to inform the City’s investment of time and resources in economic development and to set the stage for a future update of the general plan.

City of Dana Point
Dana Point, California
- Economics
- Comprehensive Planning
Dana Point is essentially built out; economic growth and compliance with state housing law necessitates reuse, redevelopment, and/or intensification of existing buildings and developed areas. The Economic and Market Profile provided a common factual foundation for discussing trade-offs between various types of development in a limited number of opportunity areas.
The profile’s economic analysis elucidated the economy in Dana Point and quantified the current and projected market demand for office and industrial development for 5-, 10-, and 20-year horizons. The retail market demand analysis projected demand for retail stores, personal services, dining, lodging, entertainment, and commercial recreation and identified strategies to capture leaked retail spending and attract more consumer spending from beyond the city. The profile also included a residential market demand analysis describing the current residential market and how Dana Point participates in the regional market. Finally, the report analyzed several opportunity sites to determine the types of development that would be financially feasible.