Concord Hills Regional Park Plan
On behalf of the East Bay Regional Park District, PlaceWorks prepared the Land Use Plan and EIR for a new regional park that will repurpose and restore 2,500 acres of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.

East Bay Regional Park District
Concord, California
- Community Participation
- Open Space & Resource Planning
- Park Planning
- Graphic Design
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Stakeholder Facilitation
- 2021 Hard-Won Victory Award, California APA, Northern Section
The future park will enhance ecological resources, highlight the site’s rich history, and provide a wide range of educational and recreational uses that complement existing and planned parks in the region. The site’s geographic connection to adjacent and surrounding open space areas will further expand the vast regional network of trails and open space, and connections to existing and planned development and transit will enable the future park to become a transit-friendly amenity.
PlaceWorks developed innovative designs and effective phasing and implementation strategies; conducted extensive stakeholder coordination, which included the US Navy and the National Park Service; prepared the associated EIR through a coordinated and streamlined process; and helped the East Bay Regional Park District implement a multifaceted public engagement process. The Land Use Plan and EIR will ensure that the park becomes a unique asset that balances recreation with mitigation and conservation, optimizes open space and urban connections, and connects people to local history.