City Fabrick Mixed-Use Project Tech Study
PlaceWorks prepared a CEQA-level air quality and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation for a mixed-use, mixed-income, affordable community on the corner of Long Beach Boulevard and East 14th Street.

Pacific6 Enterprises
Long Beach, California
- Air Quality & GHG
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
Pacific6 Enterprises proposed two buildings and a parklet on 1.54 acres in Long Beach, with 160 dwelling units, 4,000 square feet of commercial space, and up to 104 parking spaces on 1.09 acres of the site. Both buildings will be all electric, and a 133-kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic system will provide 205,954 kilowatt hours per year of renewable electricity.
The remaining 0.45 acre will be used to expand the existing 14th Street Park, which also also requires vacating a portion of 14th Street along the project boundary, though a 20-foot-wide pathway will be kept for bicycles and emergency vehicle access. The passive park will include a wood pavilion with stage, picnic tables, and a concrete plaza. Transit improvements include a bus island with a shelter, furniture, landscaping, and real-time transit schedule next to the expanded 14th Street Park and ground-floor retail space.
PlaceWorks prepared a CEQA-level air quality and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation for the project to support the client’s CEQA document. The evaluation modeled regional and localized criteria air pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions from construction and operation of the project. We also evaluated potential odor impacts; the project’s consistency with the air quality management plan; and consistency with the state, regional, and local plans adopted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.