Brookside Golf Course Improvements IS/MND
The Rose Bowl Operating Company is considering various improvements to the existing Brookside Golf Course, set in the backdrop of the Rose Bowl Stadium and Central Arroyo in Pasadena.

Rose Bowl Operating Company
Pasadena, California
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Air Quality & GHG
- Noise & Vibration
- Risk Assessments
The project includes reorienting the existing, heavily used driving range and expanding it from 20 to 60 hitting bays, including new netting, poles, lighting, and tracking technology. A new miniature golf course near the Brookside Clubhouse will be family friendly with a themed design, educational information, and low-level lighting. The complex will have an 18-hole, ADA-accessible course with play options for 9 holes. The Brookside Golf Complex is part of a historic district, the Pasadena Arroyo Park and Recreation District, which contains 27 contributing historic features (including the Brookside Golf Course) and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its association with the development of Pasadena as a recreational mecca. Because of this historical significance, the initial study/MND included a historical study to evaluate impacts to the Historic District. Other key issues included biological and construction impacts.