Avenal ATP & Safe Routes to School Plan
PlaceWorks prepared an integrated Active Transportation and Safe Routes to School Plan for the City of Avenal.

City of Avenal
Avenal, California
- Active Transportation Planning
- Comprehensive Planning
- Zoning & Form-Based Codes
- Community Participation
- 2018 Transportation Planning Award of Excellence, California APA, Central Section
Located in rural Kings County, the City of Avenal is a small agricultural municipality with a diverse community. The Avenal Active Transportation and Safe Routes to School Plan (AT/SRTS Plan) guides the development of bicycle, pedestrian, safe routes to school, and trail facilities throughout the community. While most safe routes to school plans are developed separately from active transportation plans, PlaceWorks pursued a coordinated approach, incorporating both components into a single cohesive plan document. As a result, the AT/SRTS Plan establishes a feasible set of innovative policies, project recommendations, and implementation strategies that support the creation of a fully integrated network accommodating all modes and people of all ages.