2021 APA CA Section Awards

PlaceWorks’ projects from across the state received awards from local APA California sections this spring. Six projects won seven awards from five APA California sections. Congratulations to our clients and teaming partners!
Brea Connecting the Core Active Transportation Plan
- 2021 Transportation Planning Award, California APA, Orange County Section
- 2021 Public Outreach Award of Merit, California APA, Orange County Section
The community-driven ATP identifies mobility challenges and recommends a toolbox of solutions to improve connectivity and safety for those walking, biking, and taking transit within Brea’s core. Public input was so essential to the plan’s final recommendations—the City held over 25 events and received 2,500 comments—that the project received recognition in the public outreach as well as transportation planning award categories.
Long Beach Southeast Area Specific Plan
- 2021 Hard-Won Victory Award, California APA, Los Angeles Section
The Specific Plan provides a collective community vision and strategy for the area that is based on the three pillars of sustainability: environment, planning, and economics. In the past, several planning efforts for the area began, stalled, and were eventually abandoned, so extensive outreach and a transparent planning process were critical to reconcile the area’s historically competing interests.
Concord Hills Regional Park Land Use Plan
- 2021 Hard-Won Victory Award, California APA, Northern Section
Working with the East Bay Regional Park District, PlaceWorks developed a land use plan to repurpose and restore the 2,500-acre former Concord Naval Weapons Station into a regional park. The plan strengthens connections to surrounding open space, local development, and the site’s rich history, as well as enhances ecological resources and establishes new educational and recreational uses.
Richmond Ferry to Bridge to Greenway Complete Streets Plan
- 2021 Transportation Planning Award of Merit, California APA, Northern Section
The Richmond F2B2G Plan calls for major infrastructure enhancements to improve connectivity and accessibility in a community that has historically been overlooked for investment. The plan proposes closing significant walking and biking gaps, and establishing a network of multiuse paths and cycle tracks that connect a diverse range of residential neighborhoods, employment centers, key destinations, and regional transit stations.
Downtown Redding Specific Plan Update
- 2021 Comprehensive Planning Award of Merit: Small Jurisdiction, California APA, Sacramento Valley Section
After facing serval hurdles, Downtown Redding is poised to enhance its role as a vibrant urban center for the city and region. The Specific Plan paved the way for the creation of a collaborative community vision and implementation framework, resulting in a new emphasis on infill housing, streetscape improvements, multimodal connectivity, and the reopening of long-closed streets. The plan includes streamlined regulations, standards, and guidelines to encourage new development and significant public improvements.
San Bernardino Countywide Plan
- 2021 Comprehensive Planning Award of Merit: Large Jurisdiction, California APA, Inland Empire Section
PlaceWorks led the effort to create a web-based “complete county” plan—a comprehensive plan that also covers county services. Each community’s unique values and priorities guided countywide decision-making, financial planning, and communications. More than 80 meetings with members of the public and other stakeholders—workshops, briefings, study sessions, and hearings—covered the entire 20,000-square-mile county.