2014 APA CA Conference in Anaheim

The recent 2014 APA California Annual Conference in Anaheim was a great success, and PlaceWorks was thrilled to be a part of it. Our staff participated in 14 panels covering a variety of topics from ethics to outreach. We also had staff in leadership positions helping behind the scenes, including Marissa Aho as AICP Commissioner and Los Angeles Section Director, Wendy Grant as the California Planning Foundation auction planner, and Brooke Peterson as APA California President and Master of Ceremonies for the conference. PlaceWorks staff enjoyed catching up with colleagues from throughout the state at our booth, during conference functions, and in the halls. We hope you were able to join us at some of our panels, listed below:
- Fairy Tales in a Planning Career: Finding Your Happily Ever After
- Ethics Jeopardy: Testing What We Know about Ethics
- Health Risk Challenges of Siting Housing near High-Volume Roadways
- More Than Just Exercise: What Biking Can Do to Build Community and Foster Economic Development
- Tribal Gaming and the Fabric of Your Community: Emerging Prospects for Communities with Casinos
- New Tools for Corridor Revitalization: Tackling Three Obstacles to Change in Underutilized Commercial Corridors
- Geodesign and BioMimicry: Adventures in Sustainability
- Built Out and Underserved: Creative Strategies for Greening Our Urban Communities
- Mixed Feelings on Mixed-Use: Revitalizing the Underutilized
- Outreach to the Silent Majority
- Transit-Oriented Infill Development: Doing It Well and Overcoming
- Meaningful Input in 10 Minutes or Less
- Aging Infrastructure: Opportunities to Redesign Communities
- Understanding Land Use Economics to Provide Complete Customer Service