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Compton High School Reconstruction Addendum

PlaceWorks prepared an addendum to an EIR for the reconstruction of Compton High School to analyze the impacts of the removal action workplan for contaminated soils and groundwater.



Orbach Huff & Henderson LLP


Compton, California


  • CEQA/NEPA Compliance
  • Site Assessment & Remediation
  • School Facilities Planning

The Compton High School (CHS) Reconstruction project included acquisition of 10 parcels; demolition of all buildings, facilities, and athletic fields on the campus and additional parcels; construction of a new campus; and relocation of district offices to CHS. An EIR was prepared in 2018 and a preliminary environmental assessment report was prepared in mid-2019, with subsequent sampling in late 2019. The PEA found chemicals of potential concern—lead, petroleum hydrocarbons, and volatile organic compounds (benzene, ethylbenzene, chloroform, naphthalene, total xylenes, and tetrachloroethylene). A removal action workplan (RAW) was prepared for removal of contaminated soil and soil vapor in various areas of the project site.

PlaceWorks prepared an addendum to the EIR that analyzed project-specific impacts from implementation of the RAW to remove impacted soil, soil vapor, and groundwater in various areas of CHS and the acquired parcels. PlaceWorks prepared the technical studies for Air Quality/GHG, Energy, and Noise and Vibration. The EIR Addendum was reviewed by the Department of Toxic Substances Control in November 2021.